Tuesday, July 25, 2006

a funeral is a wedding with God

On Sunday afternoon I was visiting with a Woodside member who has been recovering these last two weeks from back surgery. She had spent Sunday morning in the ER getting IV fluids because she had gotten dehydrated. Jean has a wonderful spirit, great attitude and a deep faith, all of which are really helping her in her healing. But at one point during our visit she said (only partly joking, I think), "it's awful getting old--don't do it!" I responded that I thought getting old was probably better than the alternative. She shot back without missing a beat, "Hey, you'd better practice what you preach!"

Of course we Christians do believe that there is something better than this life. A place without suffering or pain. Jesus described this life to come as a heavenly banquet and as a house with many rooms. I like those images. They give me strength and hope, and I do believe it (even if I am not, just yet, ready to go there).

I also like this poem by Ruth Foreman, and so I thought I would share.


A funeral is a wedding with God
betrothed to him
we are at death finally married
his from the beginning of beginnings

death a time of white flowers
veils lifted
and love from the whole spirit

i will tell my children
yes wear black on the outside
tribute the scars of this world
but wear light on the inside
for the glory of the one who passed

this is the day of celebration
the day of love and arms to wrap you whole
for the rest of your lives

and i will tell you mother that I am proud to help you gather your gown
your thread your stitches shoes and stockings
i am proud to be your waiting girl for that day
i apologize if i ever made you feel rushed or uncomfortable
i will remember the preparation and need
i will remember the pre-wedding days
i will remember them past my own
and i will tell my children
i will tell them

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