Jesus Camp
Originally uploaded by .Fabio
Last night Marcus and I watched the documentary "Jesus Camp" which is about a group of Evangelical Christians and their children's ministry. Early in the film, the children's minister, "Pastor Becky," is being interviewed and she says "children are just so use-able." Perhaps she meant "useful" but as the film progressed, it was clear that "use-able" is much more apt. There were children being home schooled in subjects like creationism and how global warming is a hoax. There were children being led to pray over a cardboard cut-out of George W. Bush. There were children weeping and throwing themselves to their knees to repent of their sins. There were children witnessing to adults--passing out tracts and asking them "if you were to die today, do you know where you would go?" And there were children being told that "one-third of your friends would be here tonight" if it weren't for abortions that had killed them. And when I say children, I mean even little kids, like 4 and 5 years old. It was scary and made me deeply sad.
But it also made me wonder--how do we teach our children the values and beliefs of our faith without manipulating them or indoctrinating them? How do we raise them to be faithful people without scaring the hell out of them? How do we teach the power and truth of the gospel without watering it down too much, and yet also make it possible for our children to understand?
The parents and pastors in the film didn't actually seem to think that indoctrination was such a bad thing. "Our enemies [meaning Muslims, of course] do the same thing with their children, and excuse me, but we have the TRUTH," Pastor Becky says. And they also didn't seem themselves as coercive--just that they completely limit their children's exposure to any other ideas. One scene that gave me a laugh was when Rachael, one of the little girls in the film, explained how there are some churches where God just isn't there. And you can tell which ones they are because of how they worship. "God is only in those churches where people jump up and down and shout to Jesus--that's how you can tell Jesus is there." So I am sure she would think that our church was one of the God-forsaken ones.
It also made me kind of sad to think that there are people out there who will see this film and think that all Christians are of this ilk. Maybe not many people, but there are some who are so naturally hostile to people of faith that a film like this, about a particularly fundamentalist segment of the Christian community, would give them additional fodder to dismiss Christianity all together.
The other day I ran into one of my neighbors whose child goes to a local Christian (Episcopal) private school. This father was incensed that in chapel recently, the pastor had been teaching "creationism". I was pretty shocked myself, and replied, "really?!" "Yes, he was even saying that God had made man in his own image and woman from man..." I was a little confused at this point, and responded, "well, that is the story from the Bible." "Yes, but there are more enlightened versions of the story around today," he said.
So, to offer some responses to my own questions, I guess I would say that as a pastor and a parent, I do hope to raise my children with respect for the stories, beliefs, values and traditions of our faith, but to also give them the tools to be critical thinkers and accept the Christian faith for themselves when they are old enough. It so important for them to know and understand the stories, the rituals and the beliefs so they can hopefully choose them for themselves some day, that's why they do need to go to church and Sunday school, and we need to practice our faith at home and out in the world, too. But I also think it's good for them to be exposed to other beliefs, other traditions, other ways of viewing the world, and for them to understand what makes us different from people of other faiths (or people who don't have a religion at all), but not better.
I think it would be interesting to know what those children from "Jesus Camp" are like 10 or 15 years from now, to know if they are still Christians, and if their views have changed at all. I just pray that they are not scarred for life.
Hi Rachel
Yes I and some of my church friend got to see Jesus Camp. It also made it scary for me.
For me I being in church for two year and seven weeks. It been so alsome.
But if I came to a church with this service going on. I my turn and run. I can't say for other but being a christen we need to show the good side what I mean that if we did like Jesus Camp. We have a good chance of keeping people away from going back to church. I don't understand way people what to scaring the hell out of there children.
My brother goes to non denominational church.I when to a New Year eve service. It ok but it not my tip of worship. My brother think it ok what the movie about. But I can see the point. If I had kids and I love them so. I would have brought them to a good baptist church.
By the way Rachel so many month after the movie aired the Jesus Camp was burn down. They think it was some people who did like the movie and whated to stop it. Beside two wrongs don't make a right. But it not me to say. I also hope and pray that they wood not be burnt out of there christen ways.
I hope you have a good Sunday ahead. Thank again for the young audlt retreat.
You're Friend
I havn't seen the movie - frankly because I was scared to see what you described - but am grateful for you, what you stand for, and what you teach!
Your cousin,
I found your blog through YCW and was just browsing around. My husband and I watched "Jesus Camp" this summer after I saw a thing about it on the Today show.
It felt kind of like watching a train wreck...we wanted to stop watching but couldn't! We were particularly struck by one of the little girls they followed; the one who at the end was out proselytizing to folks on the street and after being shut down by one of the folks, she walks off and says to the camera, "maybe they are already saved....probably not."
I've thought about showing it at the church I'm at now to start a conversation about it....but haven't figured out quite how to do that yet.
hey, just a passerby.
great thoughts. although, eve, while made from Adam in the second creation account, the first creation account advocates both male and female as being image bearers.
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