Friday, April 10, 2009

Just Because It's Holy Week...

the baby got sick and had to stay home from daycare for three days, and the dishwasher broke.
Is there something I am not doing right?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I feel your pain Rev. Rachel, this week Dylan got strep - 3rd time in 8 weeks (dr. says "it happens???), 2 days later my 2 week cough turned into pneumonia and I felt like a truck hit me and SO many things needed to be done preparing for this week and Easter. Missing out on Holy Week activities pains me, but I made it to Maundy Thursday which turned out wonderful but definitely over did myself so taking it easy until Easter. Best of all, I got to teach the boys how to pray on the labyrinth and talk more about the last supper. Its been a growing experience spiritually with the boys this Easter - despite being really sick, it has lifted my spirits quite high. Hope the baby feels better soon!