Several Woodside leaders and I went to a great workshop at Wesley Seminary on Saturday on Fruitful Congregations. The keynote speaker, Rev. Tom Berlin, is the pastor at Floris UMC in Herndon, VA and a very inspirational speaker. One of the things he said was that during his new member classes he tries to talk people out of becoming members. What he means is that, while the bar for coming to and participating in the church and its ministries is pretty low, to become a member of a church is, and should be, a significant commitment. And we should be up front about that when people are considering becoming members.
So when I had my first new members' class at Woodside yesterday, those words were ringing in my heart. We began the afternoon with everyone introducing themselves, sharing a bit about our life stories as well as our faith stories. Many people shared something about what they are looking for in a church: spirited worship, open hearts and minds and respect for diversity, a commitment to children. One man said what drew him to and excited him about Woodside was that it reminded him of the church he grew up in because when he was there the church was in a growth stage and all the families worked together to make the church great. He said that he thought Woodside, too, seemed to be in a growth period and he was excited to be a part of that.
I took them on a tour of the building and while we walked, I talked about some of the ministries that go on at Woodside. There's a lot to be excited and enthusiastic about right now, and it made me happy to share that with these folks and invite them into it, too. As we walked, many people remarked at how big the building was, and it was as clear to them, as it is to me, that our facility represents our greatest opportunity, but is also our greatest financial burden.
So at the end of the class, when I got the the part about what it means to be a member, I didn't hold anything back. I told them honestly--there's a lot of great things and great people here. You will love the sense of community, the diversity, the opportunities for mission and ministry that are available to you at Woodside. But, it's also going to be hard work. We need people with fresh ideas and energy, people who are willing to give of themselves in every way--spiritually, physically, financially--to be members here. I told them that if they aren't ready for this level of commitment, it's OK. They are welcome to be a part of our worshipping community, take part in classes and ministry opportunities, even serve on most committees without being a member. But if they were ready to jump in, there was a place for them to serve, to help develop the vision and mission of this church.
And something incredible happened. We went around the circle and everyone except one person--ten people--said: I'm ready. They knew what they were in for and they are excited. They are passionate and hopeful and faithful. And I think they will fit in well at Woodside. They will find that there are a lot of other people here who share this same love for and commitment to Christ's church. (And, by the way, I have the utmost respect for the woman who said she wasn't yet ready to join, because she, too understood that this was a commitment not to be taken lightly).
You know, joining a church is not like joining a country club. It's not like signing up for a magazine subscription or tickets to a concert series. If we need an analogy, I guess I would say that it's more like joining a gym. Just being a member doesn't really get you anywhere. You have to go regularly and sweat and be sore and tired sometimes in order to get results. But the result is a healthier life. When we really join a church and give it our all, we ultimately get more out of it. And I believe that a commitment to Christian discipleship lived out in community really does make all the difference in our lives.
Alright then...Let's get to work!
1 comment:
Hey, that's me! I'm the one who didn't sign up! :) I really enjoyed the class and am looking forward to getting more involved with Woodside. Thank you for your encouragement, Reverend!
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