When Nora was just a few months old I took her with me to a leadership seminar. At some point I recall that we were asked to introduce ourselves and say something about our ministry. I said my name and where I was the pastor, and that I was currently on maternity leave with this new baby, "not that that has anything to do with my ministry" I added quickly. One of the other women pastors (who also had a baby there with her) said gently, "No... it has everything to do with your ministry."
Perhaps I was just too new at the whole mom thing to get it (or maybe it was sleep deprivation, who knows) but everyday I become more aware of how much being Nora's mom shapes my ministry. This toddler stage, in particular, has taught me a lot that has also been helpful to me as a pastor.
Just a few lessons I've learned lately:
Patience, Patience, Patience. I am not always as patient as I should be, but being a mom has certainly helped me grow in this area. Everything is a learning experience for a two year old, and lots of times they just can't be rushed from one thing to the next. Plus, testing their wills is part of our developing relationship as she becomes her own person. Does that sound like church to you?
Eat your Veggies and Take a Bath. Sometimes we have to do things that we don't like just because they are good for us. And, unfortunately, that's something that doesn't change no matter how old we get to be.
Life is Good. When you look at the world through the eyes of a toddler, there is so much more beauty and joy and love in the world. One of Nora's favorite words these days is "Wow!" Just about everything is "wow" for her, and it helps me appreciate the world around me a lot more. Plus Nora is the kind of kid for whom every person she meets is a potential friend, and that reminds me, too, to see everyone as a child of God.
Remember What's Important. There's always more work to do in the church, but sometimes the most important thing I need to do is read a bedtime story with my little girl.
This past Sunday one of my church members saw me walking around in the sanctuary before the service carrying Nora on my hip and said to me, with a mix of kindness, joy and surprise: "When I saw you with that baby, I thought to myself, I just can't believe that's our pastor!"
Yep, that's me. Rev. Mom.
1 comment:
Rachel: I love this post. Thanks so much for blessing me with it!
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